Thursday, December 30, 2010


I usually hate Christmas, but WOWZA, this year was actually the best since I was a kid. The lead up was pretty miserable, and the fact that I couldn't buy my family pressies was eating at me, the way it usually does, because I am a jobless pov. But I don't know, Christmas Eve was great, I woke up and I felt Christmassy, for the first time in years, I was happy and I watched Shrek Forever After and just chilled all day. BEST Crimbas Eve ever, EVERYBODY came to Brady's (The Local, ya know). We all got incredibly fucked and had snowfights (not snowball fights, just snow fights. Violent stuff. Uncomfortable too.) that caused Lauren and I to look like we'd been bawling our eyes out, because the snow melted our faces off. We played a lovely drining game called 'My Vagina Is', Then James K and I had a lovely IMPROMPTUUUUUUUUU photoshoot outside Curves (yes, the Lady Gym), and then Craig, James H and I waited four days on a taxi for Lauren after a pathetic search for an open chipper/chinese.


Woke up on Christmas day with a HORRENDOUS hangover, surprisingly enough, instead of my 11 and 9 year old brothers jumping on my bed, my parents were the ones who woke me up all excitedly. I got some really fucking amazing shit. A HMV voucher which is already missing, a beautiful Pierre et Gilles book (I had a book of theres when I was a kid (explains alot) and it was my favourite thing ever, the colours and the feelings and just everything, so anything to do with Pierre et Gilles always has a special place in my heart), the new Ross O'Carroll Kelly book, loike, a gorgeous set of black pens, Stardust on DVD, Fable 3 and GTA Liberty City, a '13 in 1' hair dohickey that crimps and straightens and curls and waves and does everything imaginable to your hair, and the most BEAUTIFUL leather biker jacket with a sheepskin collar. I'm pretty sure I'm leaving a few things out but none of yous actually care anyway, so moving on. After all the christmas shit of dinner and pulling crackers and 'bonding', I knocked into Craig, who'd been drinking all day. He was in his gaff with Clodagh, and after they had a few drinks and I watched them and complained and sneezed everywhere, we walked over to Ciara and Emmet's, to chill with them, and Stuart and Gary and Mark, and Ciara and Emmet's dad, who's pretty rad.


Of course after about an hour I decided I was too sleepy to live, and Craig was too drunk to do ANYTHING, and Ciara was trying to force me to drink this foul glass of Whiskey, so I left with Craig in tow. Good Christmas.

Nothing really interesting happened then Stephens' day. I usually go over to my Grandparents house but the snow stopped us from doing that, so I sat around eating chocolate and playing Fable 3.

On Tuesday night it was Isibeals birthday, so we all headed over to hers (which is conveniently up the road from my house), for some dinner and cocktails (very snazzy indeed). Her house is absolutely GORGEOUS, I am so jealous. My shanty dwelling oh puh. And the food was wonderful, and the atmosphere was lovely, and it was full of well dressed people, and the DAQUIRIS. They were great. Everything was so Sex & The City.


After the sesh in Isibeal's we headed to C.U.N.T. for some more bant, and I started feeling really sick, so that was shit. But Erica and Ciaran and I shot people from the Balcony and Daniel and Alex took some really funny photos which you are about to see.


Between laughing at those photos and the daquiris and my just being generally ill, my headache worsened and I had to go home, which was definitely a shit buzz, because I was having ever so much fun. But I had a yummy pizza in Rays despite the fact I thought I was going to vomit out of my eyes.

It's been a good week though. And Tonight I get to see Ciaran for the first time since August I think! And then he's back to Berlin with all the RIDEY punks :(


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kings of Leon & December Eleventh

WOW I thought I posted this ages ago but apparently it was ust chilling in my drafts for ages. WUPS.

Last Saturday was GREAT, The last stop on my delightful and eventful two week journey of going out and getting shitfaced as much as I could afford. So after waking up at six o'clock (which is becoming a sickening habit of mine and I have to stop) on Saturday evening, I showered, had TWO SLICES OF PIZZA for breakfast (living like a king), and tried to figure out how to hide my camera so I could get it into the Point. Or the O2, if you're new school. They have some bollocks policy on SLRs, so I've got to take it apart and wrap it up in tinfoil, and scatter the pieces throughout my bag. So the bouncers in the O2 are forever going to know me as the girl who brings a packed lunch with her to every concert. I was of course outrageously late which has ALWAYS been another sickening habit of mine, I got to the luas stop because I'm a lazy shit, and I don't know why I'm telling you all this because it doesn't really matter, but I was actually the youngest person there. Everyone else were like, mid-30s guys in leather jackets and fashion scarves, with their 'partners' and their white glossy eyeshadow and beige coats and bad bleach jobs. And I'm here dressed like a fucking 90s rave in my black and green (Sticking to the dress code for December 11th, obviously). Intimidating.

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Needless to say, it was an amazing concert that really restored my faith in Kings of Leon. Come Around Sundown is definitely their worst album, and I was afraid that after forcing myself to listen to it enough so I'd know all the words for this one night that I'd hate it, but it's done exactly the opposite. Of course I'm still more inclined to listen to any other album BUT C.A.S., but I don't pretend to like it anymore, because now I genuinely do. Another thing that I think did it for me was the fact I went by myself. Nobody else I knew could get their hands on a ticket, so lonely joe off to see one of her favourite bands. What angered me greatly though, and it's the only thing I'd change about the entire night, is the lack of spirit from the so called 'fans'. I went to see KOL in the RDS in 2007, and it was one of the most amazing and euphoric experiences of my life, and one of the reasons was because of the sense of unity in the crowd. This time around, nobody was singing. I could hear ONE other person standing near me who knew all the words. It was depressing more than anything else, and I really pity those bastards who only know the singles, and who bought tickets with their christmas bonuses, making it utterly impossible for any true fans to get their hands on a ticket. UGH. Nothing makes me angrier. I do realise that little rant made me seem like a bit of a knob but it's the absolute truth, and anyone would say the same thing about one of their favourite bands who've made it really big recently.

ANYWAY, on a lighter note, after the gig I got the Luas back into town while some horrible drunk middle-aged couple stared at me the entire time, and I shot them filthies. AND THEN I headed to Clarednon street, to this Basement place, for Amber & Shane's night. Everyone else was already there and I showed up like an absolute dope after having to get Craig and then Barry to explain WHERE on Clarendon street this place actually was. It was such an awesome night, so unlike anything else, it was real chill but at the same time DA PEEPO WERE GON CRAZY. Naturally I spent the majority of the time outside, getting distracted every time I actually planned to go inside. But I did get to go inside towards the end, at long last, and it was epic. AND HA Yar wan Keeva from Big Brother was there, and she was absolutely fucked and getting sick on herself and shite, Mateo's even got a picture of it. Beautiful.

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OH GOSH ok, there's so many photos there, I couldn't decide on my favourite few. Ciaran took alot of these BECause I've gotten very lazy with the photo taking and that recently, so he's always there to take over the documentation when I'm not bothered. So THANKS BABY.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Recent Happenings

OK so here I am again, shiting on about crap not even I care about that much.

SO last night was pretty awesome, there was an exhibition in IADT, so I used these two photos... for some reason... Image and video hosting by TinyPic

and then we went to the Shaw for some other reason I can't quite remember, and this happened, after Lauren got sick too, so it was all very apt and ironic and all that, whatever.
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and then after all of this we all went to this Tommy Hilfiger thing called LOUD Tripod and had bants with Kid Sister and Princess Superstar, who was absolutely INCREDIBLE, and also pregnant, and who laughed at me because I fell into an amp. And we danced forever. And then loadsa people got all jiggy with her on stage and James took his shirt off and the bouncers bounced him. And because of the water shortage, there were babywipes in the Bathroom instead of taps. Which I found absolutely hilarious and I had many a laugh to myself while the toilet attendant stared at me.
And And And. I was taught to never start a sentence with 'And'. ASHAMED.

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Two bottles of wine and six JD & cokes later, I was on my merry way, my walk home which usually takes 45 minutes took a good two hours because of the fucking ice, but it was still a merry merry way. Although IMMENSE hangover today, so no going out for me.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kelis and my face

Goodbye forever, sleeping pattern

it was nice while it lasted.

So I was thinking how the songs in the taxi back from a night out always round off the night nicely, last night I was in a taxi back to Terenure with Matthew and Isibeal and Isibeal's friend who's name I can't remember (sorry) and that Cee Lo song came on which was pretty awesome, and when it finished Matthew proceeded to tell some hilarious and loud story while I kinda zoned out in the front seat, only to realise that 'Don't You Forget About Me' was playing on the radio (Cliché I know, but so magical) and it just made me chortle about the whole night and it's whatnots.

And another time I was in a taxi back home with Lauren and Curly James and Ciara I think, and everyone had powdered their nose at some point in the night so we were all on these kinda weird 'ughhh' buzzes (except for Ciara ozzly, HOLLA, and maybe James. Maybe it was just me and Lauren, I don't know) And Lauren was all upset and crying and shit and I was all like WHAT DO I DO and our taxi driver was fucking insane and started playing all this fucking hip hop rap or whatever you want to call it, and everyone was bellowing Gangsta's paradise out the windows while lauren sobbed beside me, it was surreal but so so memorable, and at least we're able to laugh about it now. Well. I'm able to laugh about it? No it's fine I hope.

Lastly, the week we got back from Berlin we were getting a taxi home from somewhere, it was our first night out since we got back, and we were all absolutely miserable because Dublin is fucking shit and boring, and basically, while we were in Berlin they only actually played three songs on the Mtv, Katy Perry (ugh), some song by a weird german chick with a bob, and Kickstarts by Example, so everytime I listen to tht, naturally, I get brought back to coming home at like 10 in the morning with my eyes bulging out of my head and giggling till people who had come home earlier wake up and want me dead. So yeah, we're all sitting in this taxi like, abso miz, and Kickstarts came on the radio. It was a really nice uplifting moment. I mean when you think about Example in comparison to all the other shit we listened to and experienced in Berlin it's pretty lame, but I'm a very sentimental person so I DON'T EVEN CARE YEAH.

I'm not too sure what inspired this post. I guess I just felt bad because I promised myself I'd post here more and that's pretty much a lie.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010


My cat fucking fell off my shoulder where it usually perches like a little monochrome parrot, naturally it tried to hold on for dear life but endangered mine in the process

Then Ruth cut my hair and didn't really endanger anything except for self esteem but luckily everything went ok and I didn't have to hang myself, HOORAY!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010



Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hello it's been a year

I've started drawing again, if you can call it that, I don't even know how someones style of drawing changes so drastically within a year but has. Ridic. So yeah this is my 'Return of the Jedi' style blog where I come back and slay all yo black asses for some ancient alien political reasons. I don't even know anymore.